Robert Nasveld (chairman)
Ikaros van Duppen
Roderik de Man
René Uijlenhoet
Marc Wielaert


Jesper Nordin

Olivier Hijmans

Junghae Lee


On June 28th The Prix Ton Bruynèl 2001 was awarded to the Swedish composer Jesper Nordin (1971) for his work 'calm like a bomb' for violin and tape. The prize consists of an amount of 5000 Euro as a commission for a new piece. The winning work was performed during the International Gaudeamus Musicweek 2001.

The jury also awarded two mentions of 1500 Euro to the Dutch composer Olivier Hijmans (1976) for his work 'Lacus Somniorum' and to the Korean composer Junghae Lee (1964) for her work 'Circulation', both tape compositions.

Jesper Nordin was born in Stockholm where he studied with Pär Lindgren and Bent Sørensen. He has been studying composition and musicology since 1991 and took part in masterclasses with a.o. Jonathan Harvey, Louis Andriessen, Anders Eliasson and Vladimir Tarnopolski.

'calm like a bomb' (2000) was commissioned by Svenska Rikskonserter for Daniel Möller and KammarensembleN. It is based on recordings by violinist Daniel Möller, swedish folksinger Sofia Karlsson and guitarist/mandolinist Fredrik Lindqvist. The title refers to a song by the rockgroup Rage against the machine with the same title.

Olivier Hijmans was born in Heemskerk, The Netherlands. In 1993 he began studying electroacoustic music with Paul Berg and Kees Tazelaar at the Institute for Sonology in The Hague where he graduated in 1999 on his musical concept of 'Sound Entities'. He experimented and performed with different kinds of live-electronic instruments. He currently focusses exclusively on tape music.

' Lacus Somniorum' (2000) means Lake of Dreams and is inspired by those typical phenomena that sometimes occur in dreams or while falling asleep.The work was composed in the composer's studio and commissioned by the Dutch Foundation for the Creation of Music.

Junghae Lee was born in 1964 in Tokyo and is a Korean citizen. She studied instrumental composition with ByungDong Paik at Seoul National University and took part in masterclasses with Isang Yun and Toru Takemitsu.
In 1991 she moved to Basel and studied composition, harpsichord and electroacoustic music.

The idea for ' Circulation' (2000) developed after watching the solar eclipse of 1999 and reflects on the infinity of space and the universe. The piece is the tape version of 'The children of the sun' for tape and stringtrio.
