The Prix Ton Bruynèl 2010 is won ex aequo by Swedish composer Åke Parmerud for his work Chrystal Counterpoint and Argentinian/French composer Horacio Vaggione for his composition Préludes Suspendus III, both for tape solo. The prize consists of € 3000.
The jury also awarded four honorary mentions to Ricardo de Armas (Argentinia), Strijbos & Van Rijswijk (The Netherlands) in category C, Martin Bédard (Canada) in category A and Jacob ter Veldhuis (The Netherlands) in category B.
Jury report:
The jury has decided to grant the Prix Ton Bruynèl 2010 ex aequo to two great masters: Åke Parmerud and Horacio Vaggione. Although both composers entered very different works – Parmerud’s chrystal clear, well-balanced composition versus Vaggione’s warmblooded wealth of ideas – both exhibit an experienced yet still developing mastership.
Åke Parmerud’s tactile sounds constantly captivate the listener’s attention. Chrystal Counterpoint is an indomitable work, moving between extremes: tender subdued moments alternate with robust energetic fragments. All this is molded into a strikingly flawless form by Parmerud.
In Préludes Suspendus III, Horacio Vaggione builds a consistent and dynamic world out of spiky and splintered material, in a work characterized by extreme contrasts. The elastic-rhythmical language and rich texture of the work generate an exciting listening experience.
The jury appreciates the musical energy and the striking images of A siete kilómetros de acá by Ricardo de Armas. The spectator is forced to follow the camera movements in a confronting way, in which the musical nature of the film editing is striking.
In Champs de fouilles by Martin Bédard the jury was impressed by the poetic nature which suggests never revealed layers. Bédard creates a highly personal language, contrasting tonal sounds effortlessly with concrete material – thus generating a captivating feeling of tension in his music.
Jacob ter Veldhuis (JacobTV) developes his own version of electronic music. On top of that he succeeds in making it ‘instrumental’ again. The jury highly appreciates the way in which electronic means in Buku are integrated his personal idiom and aesthetical viewpoints. Ter Veldhuis is capable of making electronic music accessible to a larger audience.
With Soundspots, Strijbos & Van Rijswijk created a beautifully designed installation, giving each spectator the possibility to experience a personal version of the narrative. In this way they integrate sound and space in a compelling way – generating an ever-changing experience in each new location.
The Foundation Ton Bruynèl aims to stimulate electronic music in every possible way. Every two years the foundation awards the Prix Ton Bruynèl,
created by the family and friends of this important Dutch composer of electronic music.
The prize was awarded this year for the fifth time.
The jury has chosen from more than 150 submissions from all around the world. The prize consists of € 3000 and is the most important prize for electronic music in The Netherlands.